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Sample Services



Construction Management / General Contracting

With our vast experience and our ability to “think out of the box”, we will provide the necessary voice in your projects that will enable you to save significant money on your bottom line. We will run your projects smoothly and efficiently, from project inception through preconstruction, construction and closeout.


Exterior Restoration and Maintenance Work

We provide complete management for NY Local Law #11 façade inspection and remediation programs in many buildings for our clients. We implement preventative maintenance programs for HVAC, sprinkler, plumbing and electrical systems, as well as remedial waterproofing, building façade and elevators. We have also implemented emergency evacuation and fire safety plans.


Plan and Document Review

We provide constructability and “peer” reviews of architects’ (and their consultants’) plans at several stages of development to identify “holes” in the documents and help them eliminate ambiguities.


Spring Roc, LLC provides the following Construction Management services from the time of our selection to project closeout,

as described below:




· Provide an evaluation of the program, timing and construction budget requirements, and establish the project schedule. We will maintain and update the schedule throughout the project, indicating items or trades requiring immediate attention, alternative courses of action and decisions required. Spring Roc has the ability to provide schedules in either Microsoft Project or Primavera.


· Provide preliminary cash flow projections, charts or graphs, and updates as the projects progress.


· Identify any long-lead items that need to be pre-purchased prior to the start of construction.


· Provide an initial conceptual estimate for the project.


· Establish cost control procedures that are compatible with the requirements of the client’s accounting system. This will develop into an anticipated cost reporting system that will be prepared on a monthly basis.


· Establish appropriate reporting procedures, including distribution of documents, minutes of meetings, monthly reports, outstanding issue reports, and recommended courses of action.


· Make recommendations to the client with respect to any governmental tax incentive and energy rebate programs that may be applicable.




· Review design documents and furnish advice with respect to improvements, selected materials, building systems and equipment. Also prepare a preliminary site logistics plan to make sure that material delivery and construction mobilization methods are compatible with the site and the surrounding area.


· Provide an in-depth analysis, along with the project engineers, of all mechanical, electrical, plumbing and sprinkler alternatives, and assist the Owner in the selection of the systems that are best suited and most cost effective for the project.


· Provide recommendations on different construction methods, availability of materials and labor for key trades, lead time requirements for shop drawings, fabrication, delivery and installation.


· Advise the client with respect to the cost of alternative solutions and their impact on scheduling, constructability and life cycle costs.


· Chair all project meetings, coordinate the efforts of all design professionals, and prepare agendas and follow-up directives. We will provide the leadership required to keep the project on course.


· Coordinate all value-engineering efforts and relate them to cost, schedule, quality, and aesthetic issues, and evaluate the impact of design decisions with respect to budget and schedule.


· Review all design documents to eliminate any potential conflicts of the trades.


· Furnish scope clarification and general requirements to all bidders.


· Make recommendations to the Owner regarding all contractor and/or subcontractor awards, if we are engaged as an open book CM.




· Review all subcontractors’ certificates of insurance and safety procedures to ensure compliance with bid documents and the Owner’s requirements.


· Review all contractor and vendor schedules for compliance with the project schedule and monitor progress against this baseline. We will issue expediting reports and warnings whenever there is any deviation.


· Establish and implement cost control systems and change order management, and issue monthly anticipated cost reports.


· Require and review all subcontractors’ trade payment breakdowns to eliminate front-end loading.


· Analyze the request for change orders, negotiate costs and verify all contractor claims of additional costs or time delays arising from field conditions. We will be vigilant in our efforts not to allow claims to fester due to lack of responsiveness to tough issues.


· Supervise the performance of contractors / subcontractors and key vendors onsite, coordinate responses from the design team and their consultants, and direct project meetings. We will monitor the response of the design team and their consultants to contractor inquiries, in order to minimize the potential for delay claims and change orders.


· Establish a shop drawing log to monitor and expedite the design team and contractors’ response durations.


· Establish procedures for submission and verification of payment requisitions, and review the monthly draw with respect to cash flow projections and their compliance with approved trade payment breakdowns.


· Assist the Owner and Building Department expediter with assembling the requisite forms, documents and testing certifications when applying for the fire alarm acceptance and the Certificate of Occupancy.


· Coordinate all punch list items and ensure that adequate retainage is withheld until all punch list items are remedied.


· Coordinate the Owner’s facilities maintenance personnel with respect to final testing and startup of all systems and equipment.


· Make recommendations as to when the project is ready for final inspection and will assist the Owner and the design team in conducting all final inspections.


· Receive and distribute to the Owner all warranties, guarantees and similar items required by the contract documents and deliver all operating maintenance manuals, training seminars, videotapes, keys, attic stock and record drawings.



· Coordinate all value-engineering efforts and relate them to cost, schedule, quality, and aesthetic issues, and evaluate the impact of design decisions with respect to budget and schedule.


· Review all design documents to eliminate any potential conflicts of the trades.

© 2020 by Spring Roc, LLC. 

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